Querrin Pier & Village Community Development Group

About us

The Querrin Pier and Village Development Group is governed under our constitution. This document was ratified and adopted at our inaugural meeting on 1st February 2019. The full document can be read here.

Our Members

General membership to the group is open to all residents of Querrin. We also welcome membership from non-residents working or volunteering in the area, non-residential frequent visitors with an interest in the area and all of our advisors, experts and consultants.

Our Committee

Behind every organisation there is a core of amazing, dedicated people to make decisions and keep the wheels turning. We are very lucky to have such a team to guide us in all of our projects and objectives. All members of our committee are voted into their positions at the AGM from and by our members. Each committee position is held for a maximum of 3 years with annual elections.

The committee for 2019, as voted at the inaugural meeting has 8 members.

Chairperson: Kevin Heapes Secretary: Robert Brown
Treasurer: Ned Griffin Web Manager: Randal Counihan (Jr)
OCM: Randal Counihan(Snr) OCM: Mick Ralph
OCM: Brian Rogers OCM: Pauline Brew Ellis

Where to find us.